United States 1732 (Gulf Coast)



‘Carte de la côte de la Louisiane’ (depuis la Baye St. Joseph, jusqu’à celle de St. Bernard où tous les ports et bons mouillages sont marquez par des ancres; avec la quantité de piés d’eau que l’on y trouve.)

English translation: ‘Chart of the coast of Louisiana from St. Joseph’s Bay to that of St. Bernard where all ports and good anchorages are marked by anchors; with the quantity of feet of water found there’

This map is a historically significant cartographic representation dating back to around 1732. This intricate map provides a detailed overview of the Gulf Coast of the United States, spanning from Saint Joseph Bay in Florida to Galveston Bay in Texas.

Crafted in pen-and-ink and watercolor, the map skillfully depicts this coastal region with an emphasis on maritime navigation. Notably, it showcases various ports and safe anchorages, marked by anchor symbols, offering vital guidance for mariners of the era. Additionally, the map reveals water depths, represented through soundings, providing mariners with essential information for safe passage along this coastal stretch. This historical artifact offers a glimpse into the navigational challenges and geographical knowledge of the Gulf Coast during the early 18th century.

Reproduction Size:
36″x 14″

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